Sunday, September 7, 2014

Caveat Emptor!

If you know me, you know that I do temp work for "pin money" or "mad money" -- two old phrases about excess cash for fun purchases. 

I keep a list of items I might buy with this extra cash and very often buy those items and write about them in this blog. Several of these possible purchases warranted some research prior to my investing. Here is why this blog posting is titled as such...Let the buyer beware.

The internet is a great research tool and I recommend you use it before you spend significant dollars on your purchase items.

For example, I was thinking of buying a very expensive face cream made out of seaweed extract and loved by so many celebrities. Until I read online reviews of it. For every positive review of this product, there were two negative ones and several of the issues are the same ones I would have had with it (too heavy, too oily, causes breakouts -- yes, even at my age!). Then I discovered there is a drugstore equivalent that is better and cheaper.  Thank you, internet!

Not long ago, I was thinking of buying a high-end serum that is supposed to correct age spots (unless I can convince everyone that they are freckles on the backs of my hands!) Again, I checked with the internet and discovered it was expensive garbage said the many dissatisfied users.

And this includes clothing or shoes purchases, because the internet can provide you various places with a variety of price differences...or better, coupons to use to buy at discount.

I also subscribe to magazines, websites and e-newsletters to learn what is a good buy and what are temporary trends and what to buy and what not to buy.

So I recommend you, too, do your homework before you buy. You work (or save) too hard to throw it away on something wasteful and over hyped.

Until next week, I remain,

Stylistically yours,


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