Thursday, March 3, 2016

Fringe Benefits!

If you are like me, you are "on the fence" about whether to cut bangs (called fringe in Great Britain) or not.

I have worn bangs for a million years (yes, I'm that old!) and only recall two times that I let them grow out.

So today's post is a discussion of whether bangs are appropriate for women "of a certain age" or too cute.

Here's why I still wear them:
  1. They hide a multitude of issues....wrinkles, lines, and fading roots.
  2. I don't have the patience to let them grow out.
  3. They suit my face and my hair style
Here's why I often want to let them grow out:
  1. They would make my bob cut look amazing (I think)
  2. They would allow my eyes to "pop" more....especially if I make them up well
  3. My hair would swing and sway nicer if all one length (I believe)
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There is a belief that bangs are a great beautifier for older women. Here's a few examples:

Image result for older women with bangsImage result for older women with bangsImage result for older women with bangs

Image result for older women with bangsImage result for older women with bangsImage result for older women with bangs

As I stated in a much earlier post, women "of a certain age" just cannot wear hair barrettes, head bands or clips (except to pull your hair up). They are too "precious" and make us look silly.

Image result for jackie on the good wifeImage result for vanessa redgrave in atonement

So to make a case for bangs, whether they are full and cover your forehead or brushed to the side as an accent to your style, I submit to you that they are simply acceptable to wear, if you choose 
They can, indeed, work for you and you can try them if you want....or not. This is one of the great hair options that we CAN wear and decide on our own.

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Image result for older women in bobsImage result for older women in bobsImage result for older women in bobs
Image result for older women in bobsImage result for older women in bobsImage result for older women in bobs

Therefore, I think I'm keeping mine.  You?

Until next time,

Image result for quote of women  and hair

I remain,

Stylistically yours,


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